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Pets Audacia Stage1

Stage 1 (Star 1-3)

Pets Audacia Stage2

Stage 2 (Star 4-6)

Pets Audacia Animated

Stage 3 (Star 7+) -- Click to view the animation.

Pet Details[]

This dragon pet is identical to the Snarley pet, the only difference being its appearance. Both have the same pet skill (Razor Fang).

  • IGG website events (price: coupons, cash or cash purchases)
Initial Grade: Grade A
Highest Grade :
(with training)
Grade S
Pets Dragonic Icon 30x30

Dragonic: +15% damage dealt.

Attack Mode: Melee/Physical
Attack Range: 172

Default Skill:
(attack when not using Pet Skill)

Melee: Inflicts (100% ATK) physical damage upon a single target.

Pet Skill[]

Razor Fang Physical
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
Casting Range: 200
[Active/Physical/Single] Deals [A] damage to enemy target regardless of target's defence.
Pet: Audacia/Snarley

Progression by Star Level[]

Star Level

(damage multiplier)

I 1.6x
II 1.8x
III 2x
IV 2.2x
V 2.4x
VI 2.6x
VII 2.8x
IX 3.2x

More Grade A Pets
AmoraArctosAudaciaClare VoyanceDrakelingDraconusFedoraGenieKringleMicahRaydenRevenantSnarleyWyvern
Other grades: Grade CGrade BGrade SGrade SS
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Pets (Page) : Pet SkillsSymbiosis GuidePet EnhancementTrainingPet SummonPet Sacrifice
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